看到是佩姬和玛拉主演就高潮了好么唉果然伤人心的都是姐姐姐姐们真坏故事一般床戏感人感觉淡如水Mercy根本没想明白她只会再伤Lucy一次喷泉H1V3H这个HE有点牵强心疼LucyMy heart beats like thunder, girl I wanna see you again…
Look, people have, throughout history, have woken up in the dead of the night, confronted by blackness. The sense that our lives are without meaning. Men's great achievements have brought him to the place where life as we know it may cease in the foreseeable future. But the blackness, it's not. Whatever despair you feel about bringing a child into this world cannot equal the despair of taking a child from it.